The beginning of a happy existence with a high school student who has reached rock bottom. Yuusuke Yuuki, who had spent his entire high school career learning and working part-time in order to keep his scholarship, found himself longing for a partner one day.
On his way home, lonely from such thoughts, he glanced up into the heavens and saw a girl about to jump off the rooftop of an abandoned building.
This is the physical copy of the What Happens If You Saved a High School Girl Who was About to Jump Off? light novel.
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Alternative Names:
뛰어내리려는 여고생을 구해주면 어떻게 될까?
Author: Kishima Kiraku
Size: 128 mm x 188 mm x 14 mm
Language: Korean
Volume 1
ISBN13: 9791138435857
ISBN10: 1138435856
Page: 286
First edition limited (While Stocks Last): Bookmark (Book and Wrapping)