The plot revolves around Miyagawa Shota, a recent high school graduate who left his village to work in the famed Tsurumoku Furniture factory outside of Tokyo.
Shota shares a room in the business dorm with Tabatake, the most senior resident and the most irritating roommate, and Sugimoto, the in-house Casanova. Shota is regularly trapped in unpleasant circumstances with his two housemates.
This is the physical copy of the Tsurumoku Bachelor Dormitory manga.
100% Authentic Seoul Media Comics (Seoul Munhwasa) Product
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Alternative Names:
츠루모쿠 독신자 기숙사 애장판
Author: Kubonouchi Eisaku
Size: 128 mm x 188 mm x 30 mm
Language: Korean
Volume 1
ISBN13: 9791136762382
ISBN10: 1136762388
Page: 464
Volume 2
ISBN13: 9791136764966
ISBN10: 1136764968
Page: 464