The school life of the protagonist "Lee Young-soo," who is called "Bread Shuttle" in class, is very difficult. During break time, he is forced to run errands by the school bullies and even gets beaten up. However, he cannot complain to anyone because he knows that asking for help will only make things worse.
One day, a presence like a beam of light appeared before him, who was struggling day after day. Fascinated by Kim Geon's proposal to turn simple errands into art, Young-soo decides to transfer to "Kim Old Man School" with 4-dimensional smile girl "Sim Yeon-hee"...
This is the physical copy of the Shuttle Man manhwa.
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Alternative Names:
Author:Â Neon.B
Size:Â 153Â mm x 224Â mm x 30Â mm
Language:Â Korean
Volume 1
ISBN13: 9788927803249
ISBN10: 8927803248
Page: 368