The protagonist is a good-hearted young guy who lives in a remote hamlet. To save his sister, Yonah, who has succumbed to the Black Scrawl, he starts out with Grimoire Weiss, a peculiar talking tome, to find the "Sealed verses".
This is the physical copy of the NieR Replicant light novel.
100% Authentic Seoul Media Comics (Seoul Munhwasa) Product
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Alternative Names:
니어 레플리칸트 :《게슈탈트 계획 회상록》 File 01
NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139...: Project Gestalt Recollections--File 01
Author: Jun Eishima
Size: 128 mm x 188 mm x 30 mm
Language: Korean
Volume 1
ISBN13: 9791136764485
ISBN10: 1136764488
Page: 336
First edition limited (While Stocks Last): Illustration Acrylic Card + 2 Types of Bookmarks (Book and Wrapping)