Aria, an exemplary student at the prestigious magic academy, is responsible for guiding and teaching the younger students. However, she faces a challenge with Jade, a troublesome student from a family of feared black mages. As Aria reluctantly interacts with Jade, she hears a peculiar voice that both scares and intrigues her. Even though she is afraid of him, she can't help but wonder: "Isn't she too cute?"
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Alternate Name:
Uchi no Kuro Madoushi ga Kawaisugiru!
Our black magician is so cute
우리 흑마도사가 너무 귀여워
Author: Takidon
Language: Korean
Volume 1
ISBN13: 9791172888329
ISBN10: 1172888329
Pages: 168
Volume 2
ISBN13: 9791172888336
ISBN10: 1172888337
Pages: 168