The story follows Aohara, a playboy with foreign blood, who is pursued by Masaki, a friendly and soft-spoken playboy. Masaki wants to be the top in their relationship, which creates a challenge for Aohara, who is used to being in control. However, after a drunken night, Aohara ends up kissing Masaki and experiences pleasure like never before.
Physical copy of the I Will Never Fall in Love with an Egoist manga.
100% Authentic Indigo (Comic) Product
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Alternate Name:
에고이스트에겐 복종하지 않아
Egoist ni wa Nabikanai
Language: Korean
Author: Soutome Emu
Size: 128 x 182mm
Age: +19 years old
ISBN13: 9791127460716
ISBN10: 1127460714
Page: 192