Hana is a shoujo manga artist who met Riichi, an attractive hairdresser who was just passing by, and they agreed to date! It's natural for Hana to isolate herself when she's focusing on a manuscript, and she's not the ideal picture of a girlfriend, but Riichi seems to like that aspect of her?
This is the physical copy of the Hey Sensei, Don't You Know? manhwa.
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Alternative Names:
이봐 선생님, 그거 모르지?
Author: Asano Aya
Size: 118 mm x 175 mm
Language: Korean
Volume 1
ISBN13: 9791169440912
ISBN10: 1169440916
Page: 160
Volume 2
ISBN13: 9791169444835
ISBN10: 1169444830
Page: 162
Volume 3
ISBN13: 9791169447614
ISBN10: 1169447619
Page: 162
Volume 4
ISBN13: 9791170623373
ISBN10: 1170623379
Page: 160