The story follows a pig who lives under the care of a pure and innocent girl who accepts even his beast-like desires. Despite their unconventional relationship, their peaceful life is threatened when someone begins targeting the girl's life.
As they work to uncover the truth behind the threat, they embark on a wild adventure together filled with unexpected twists and turns.
This is the physical copy of the Heat the Pig Liver light novel.
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Alternative Names:
돼지의 간은 가열해라
The Story of a Man Turned Into a Pig
Author: Sakai Takuma
Size: 118 mm x 180 mm x 20 mm
Language: Korean
Volume 1
ISBN13: 9791170590644
ISBN10: 1170590640
Page: 300
First edition limited (While Stocks Last): Character Acrylic POP (Book and Wrapping)
Volume 2
ISBN13: 9791170590651
ISBN10: 1170590659
Page: 332
First edition limited (While Stocks Last): Character Acrylic POP (Book and Wrapping)