Ix, a struggling wandmaker, encounters Yuui, who possesses a contract for a free wand repair. To his surprise, Yuui's wand is powered by the heart of a long-extinct dragon. To restore the wand and unravel the mystery of the dragons' disappearance, Ix and Yuui embark on a journey together.
Physical copy of the Dragon and Ceremony light novel.
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Alternative Names:
용과 제례 -마법 지팡이 장인의 관점에서-
Ryuu to Sairei
Author/Artist: Ichimei Tsukushi / Enji
Size: 128 mm x 188 mm
Language: Korean
ISBN13: 9791138478168
ISBN10: 1138478164
Page: 296
First edition (While Stocks Last): Bookmark (Book and Wrapping)