Horyuji Mirei is an introverted high schooler who struggles with her self-esteem and appearance. However, when she meets her student-teacher supervisor, Sato, she finds herself drawn to him in a way that she's never experienced before.
As Mirei works to overcome her insecurities and become a more confident person, her relationship with Sato takes an unexpected turn.
This is the physical copy of the Die Dazzlingly manga.
100% Authentic Haksan Cultural History Product
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Alternative Names:
죽을 때는 눈부시게
Author: Mizuki Takanashi
Size: 128 mm x 183 mm x 15 mm
Language: Korean
Volume 1
ISBN13: 9791134875435
ISBN10: 1134875436
Page: 212
Volume 2
ISBN13: 9791134881085
ISBN10: 1134881088
Page: 218
Volume 3
ISBN13: 9791134881092
ISBN10: 1134881096
Page: 210
Volume 4
ISBN13: 9791134895594
ISBN10: 1134895593
Page: 210
Volume 5
ISBN13: 9791169473088
ISBN10: 1169473083
Page: 210