The story follows Shintaro Tokumitsu, a high schooler living alone, who unexpectedly meets a pure and sweet girl named Towa on his balcony. Towa is divine, and she becomes Shintaro's new roommate, leading to cute and fun adventures.
Physical copies of the Studio Apartment, Good Lighting, Angel Included manga.
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Alternative name: 원룸, 햇볕 보통, 천사 딸림.
Author: matoba
Language: Korean
Size: 128 x 182mm
Volume 1
ISBN13: 9791127868192
ISBN10: 1127868195
Pages: 186
First edition (while stocks last): Illustration card (book and wrapping)
Volume 2
ISBN13: 9791127868611
ISBN10: 1127868616
Pages: 202
First edition (while stocks last): Illustration card (book and wrapping)
Volume 3
ISBN13: 9791127868697
ISBN10: 1127868691
Pages: 186
Volume 4
ISBN13: 9791127869397
ISBN10: 1127869396
Pages: 194
Volume 5
ISBN13: 9791127873165
ISBN10: 1127873164
Pages: 194
Volume 6
ISBN13: 9791127876128
ISBN10: 1127876120
Pages: 194
First edition (while stocks last): double-sided illustration card (book and wrapping)