Mitsumi is headed to Tokyo for high school! Despite her aptitude in the classroom, this small-town girl is about to discover that she is utterly unfit for the social mores of high schoolers in large cities.
Physical copies of the Skip and Loafer manhwa.
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Alternative Names:
스킵과 로퍼
Skip to Loafer
Author: Misaki Takamatsu
Size: 127 mm x 180 mm
Language: Korean
Volume 1
ISBN13: 9791168995338
ISBN10: 1168995337
Page: 192
Volume 2
ISBN13: 9791168995345
ISBN10: 1168995345
Page: 176
Volume 3
ISBN13: 9791168995352
ISBN10: 1168995353
Page: 176
First edition (While Stocks Last): PP Postcard (Book and Wrapping)
Volume 1 - 2
ISBN13: 9791168996281
ISBN10: 1168996287
Page: 368
First edition (While Stocks Last): 2 types of character POP (wrapping inside the book)
Volume 4
ISBN13: 9791168995369
ISBN10: 1168995361
Page: 176
First edition (While Stocks Last): Character acrylic POP (book and wrapping)
Volume 5
ISBN13: 9791170591214
ISBN10: 1170591213
Page: 176
First edition (While Stocks Last): Character acrylic POP (book and wrapping)
Volume 6
ISBN13: 9791168995383
ISBN10: 1168995388
Page: 176
First edition (While Stocks Last): Character acrylic POP (book and wrapping)
Volume 7
ISBN13: 9791168995390
ISBN10: 1168995396
Page: 176
Volume 8
ISBN13: 9791170591450
ISBN10: 1170591450
Page: 176